Accommodation and support program for young people.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is an accommodation and support program for young people aged 16 to 17 years old at entry, who have been in Out of Home Care for at least 12 months. The goal of SIL is to prepare young people for independent living. Qualified and experienced Caseworkers from CatholicCare will work with young people to help them acquire independent living skills.

Hunter Community Housing will look after the young person’s tenancy including rent payments, property inspections, arranging repairs to the property and any other tenancy related functions.

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Young people will be provided with:

  • Furnished accommodation that is stable and affordable
  • A subsidised rent while they are participating in the SIL program
  • A qualified Caseworker from our partner, CatholicCare

A Caseworker will:

  • Provide living skills training and support including self-care, home management and budgeting,
  • Assist with access to education, training and vocational and employment assistance to support financial self-sufficiency,
  • Provide a ‘stay put’ option for young people exiting the program who have shown that they are able to sustain and afford a tenancy,
  • Provide education and support to young people to develop parenting skills, where appropriate,
  • Provide ongoing Aftercare support after completing the program, up until age 25.